Jesus never mentioned Mohd but a false prophet after him

Jesus never mentioned Mohd.

Jesus only mentioned that a false prophet will come after him.

It’s wrong to refer to Jesus as Islamic or Muslim.

The Quran existed hundreds of years before Mohd as sacred Christian scriptures in Aramaic, the language of Jesus from Syria, among pagan Arabs.

At that time, Arabic had no written form.

Supreme Court of Israel can decide on east Jerusalem

This is a ventilation of ignorance. It’s wrong to paint the Jews as anti Jesus. It’s abuse of freedom of speech. It’s abuse of freedom of press.

Christians support Trump on Jerusalem.

If the US is not accepted as an “honest” broker in the Middle East, following Trump’s announcement on Jerusalem, it can only be a blessing in disguise.

The exclusion of the US from the Middle East peace process will prevent the establishment of a Filistine (Palestine in English) to include the West Bank besides the Gaza Strip. Tel Aviv can only accept a Filistine state in the Gaza Strip which they vacated.

Goliath in the story of “David and Goliath” in the Bible was a Filistinian (foreigner), a non-Semite. The Filistinians came from Phoenicia (Lebanon) and settled in the Gaza Strip.

It’s errorneous to refer to the Biblical lands proper, around Jerusalem, as Filistine. So, when Tel Aviv dropped the term Filistine in favour of Israel, the Arabs in the Biblical lands adopted it and called themselves Filistines. There’s no Filistinian language.

In India too, the Hindus have always supported Israel. The Modi Gov’t has abandoned the pro-Arab position taken by previous Indian governments on the Biblical lands.

UN Resolutions are not law. They are just pious hopes for peace at any cost.

There’s no international law on Jerusalem.

Human rights is the basis of international law.

The Filistine/Arab claim to East Jerusalem is not about human rights.

If the “Filistines” in the Gaza Strip and the Arabs in West Bank want to claim east Jerusalem, they should take up the matter in the Supreme Court of Israel.

The prognosis is not good. For starters, there’s no Filistinian state to claim east Jerusalem.

It’s not enough to point at a mosque in Jerusalem to claim the eastern half.

The leaders of the “Filistines” and the West Bank Arabs were not elected, and if elected, their mandate has long run out. So, it’s unlikely the court will give them a hearing.

The people can lodge a class action suit. They must speak with one voice, both Christian and Muslim. Christians will not root for a mosque in Jerusalem. James, Jesus’ brother, was the first Bishop of Jerusalem.

Having said that, Jerusalem has had a Jewish majority for the last 3, 000 years. So, why should the Jews agree to partition the city and give away the eastern half to a state that does not exist?

Although the Romans expelled many Jews to other places in West Asia, North Africa and Europe, the record shows there have always been Jews in the Biblical lands.

The story of the Jews in the Biblical lands is one of customary practices which have force of law based on continuity.

The Jews kept an unbroken link with the Biblical lands with many of them continuing to stay there. Those in the diaspora toasted every passover for 2,000 years, “next year in Jerusalem”.

This is important in law.

Jesus prophesied, in the Bible, that Jerusalem would return to the Jews “once the Gentiles run out of the time given to them”.

This prophecy can be raised in court but it’s unlikely to be included in the ruling. The court does not get into theology.

The court will focus instead on the Jewish claim to the Biblical lands based on continuity in law.

Also, both Jews and Arabs never accepted the UN’s decision to partition part of the Biblical lands into Jewish and Arab states. Earlier, the British separated Jordan from the rest of the Biblical lands.

Sinai, also Biblical land, became part of Egypt. The latter is also seen as Biblical land.

The Biblical lands extended to Lebanon, Syria and parts of Turkey.

Biblical lands means Bible, not Quran.

The whole world knows that Islam is about Mecca and Medina, not Jerusalem.

Mohd himself never set foot in Jerusalem.

The people of the early Quran faced Jerusalem when they prayed but Mohd told Muslims to face Mecca instead.

The Quran existed long before Mohd as sacred Christian scriptures in Aramaic, the language of Jesus from Syria.

Arabic, at that time, had no written form — Joe Fernandez