‘BULLSHIT’ written all over faces of Anwar and Bugis, Mahathir ORIGINAL Kleptocrat


Indians in Malaya — now FAKE MALAYSIA — must get their politics and relationships right. Don’t pass off rhetoric and polemics as politics and mislead Indians. It’s not the way forward.

All politics are about restructuring the distribution of political power and restructuring the distribution of revenue and resources. 

Malay politics is based on nothing but BULLSHIT. There’s no political ideology. The politics of PAS is also based on nothing but BULLSHIT. The days of Nik Aziz and sanctimonious pontifications on Islam are gone forever. Hadi has decided that “if you can’t beat them (Umno), better join them (to share the loot)”.

Indians in Malaya — now FAKE MALAYSIA — cannot help form the government. They can only help bring it down.

Indians will never get anything from the government. Never believe any promises the government makes. They are nothing but BULLSHIT.

Even if Indians get “something” from the government, they should vote against whoever is in power. Indians in Malaya — now FAKE MALAYSIA — are condemned to vote FOREVER against government.

A body in motion — Indians — tended to stay in motion until acted upon by external forces (NEP, Mahathir and MIC).

A body at rest — Indians —  tends to stay at rest unless acted upon by external forces (Hindraf and voting against the government).

Indians don’t need gov’t help except for resolving the problem of statelessness. What they want is for the gov’t not to SQUAT on them. Then, we don’t have to talk about Indians at all. The Constitution is colour blind.

Indians don’t have even one seat in Malaya — now FAKE MALAYSIA. So complete has been the marginalisation and disenfranchisement of Indians in Malaya — now FAKE MALAYSIA.

Party politics under pre-election coalitions are nothing but corruption.

The BN concept, for example, endorses elite power sharing by circumscribing the democratic process under a pre-election coalition and denying the grassroots majority meaningful participation in elections.

That’s why MIC failed. 

MIC blames Mahathir and Mahathir blames Samy Vellu. At least Mahathir is not a BULLSHITTER like Samy Vellu. If Mahathir promises to eff you, he effs you. That’s what he’s doing to Bugis and what he did to Sabah, Joseph Pairin Kitingan, Jeffrey Kitingan, PBS and the Orang Asal.

The MIC leaders were and are still busy filling their pockets at the expense of the people. This is the corruption of party politics under a pre-election coalition.

To add insult to injury, MIC went along with Mahathir Mohamad from Kerala — noted for being racist, anti Orang Asal, anti Christian and the ORIGINAL Thief — doing a number on Indians. 

Indians were pushed out from so many sectors to benefit the so-called Malays i.e. a certain group of Muslims mostly from India and Indonesia who are allowed under Article 160 to pretend to be Melayu, a non-existent people. 

We must remember that the Negrito –Orang Asli — from India were the FIRST people in Malaya — now FAKE MALAYSIA. The Negrito can still be found in India. Indians were the first people in Malaya — now FAKE MALAYSIA.

After the Orang Asli, came the Kadaram Civilisation in Kedah, set up by Hindus from Tamil Nadu to be a trading bridge between India and China. There were many Chinese traders as well in Kadaram which paved the way for Malacca, Penang and Singapore as trading bridges.

It’s not easy for Indians in Malaya — now FAKE MALAYSIA — to get even a cendol licence from the local authorities. Why should Indians buy cendol from the Melayu?

It was Mahathir, for example, who withdrew recognition for the Crimea State Medical University which had many Indian students from Malaya — now FAKE MALAYSIA. He visited the university and withdrew recognition when he came back.

The list goes on and on.

Pakatan Harapan has not alloted any seats to Hindraf for GE14. Hindraf wanted the four  MIC seats. Anwar Ibrahim — noted for being racist, anti Orang Asal, anti Christian and the ORIGINAL bullshitter and conman — shot down the idea. 

It’s karma that Anwar is in jail. It was the proverbial falling out among thieves. Anwar & Co wanted their turn at plundering the public treasury. Mahathir & Co refused to go. So, they allegedly came up with Sodomy I. Mahathir was also allegedly in cahoots with Bugis on Sodomy II but that’s another story. See the link at the bottom.

Anwar never worked a day in his life until he joined the Cabinet and came under the permanent dole system like the civil servants. He has only a pass degree in Malay Studies from Universiti Malaya. When Anwar became DPM, he didn’t believe it and couldn’t stop laughing at us. He couldn’t believe that a conman like him could pull it off by speaking Malay in a fake Arabic accent to bullshit the kampungwallahs into submission.

Waytha has been promised a Senate seat by PH after GE14.

That’s what Bugis gave Waytha under the RM4.5b MoU with Hindraf Makkal Sakthi. I told off Waytha when accepted a Deputy Minister’s post in the Prime Minister’s Department. That was an insult. I could Bugis laughing to death.

I warned Waytha in 2013 that although Bugis will sign the MoU, he will never honour it. He didn’t believe me. “Bullshit” was written all over Bugis’ face. Waytha really believed in Bugis and practically hero-worshipped him. How could he be so naive especially after I warned him?

Waytha tends to live on hope and indulge in wishful thinking. That’s even worse than being delusional.

He didn’t believe me either when I told him that Bugis will sign the MoU. It’s easy to read the Bugis.

Earlier, he also didn’t believe me when I told him that Anwar will never sign the MoU. At that time, 2013, Waytha was waiting for Pakatan Rakyat to sign the MoU. Hindraf had over twenty meetings with PR. “Bullshit” was written all over Anwar’s face as well but at least he was more honest than Bugis in not signing the MoU. Once, when Waytha turned up for a meeting with PR, Anwar left by the back door.

Mahathir is only interested in creating as many Malay millionaires as possible, albeit only on paper, to match the Chinese who are in real business. Mahathir hopes to continue doing this, i.e. creating Malay millionaires on paper, by continuing to plunder the public treasury through inflated government contracts.

Mahathir did candidly tell the press once, “why should we agree to anything — meaning rule of law — that doesn’t benefit us (the thieves)?”.

Bugis presided over mega global financial scandals under the system created by Mahathir. Mahathir is responsible for the 1MDB Scandal. He’s the ORIGINAL Kleptocrat. The student was only doing what the Master did and/or taught him.

The issue is the 1MDB Scandal, not whether Bugis is a gentleman or the GDP growing although people don’t have money in their pockets. Man does not live by bread alone. Principles matter.

Hindraf should persuade DAP to quit PH and contest in all seats but only in Malaya — now FAKE MALAYSIA. Stay out of Borneo.

Having said that, the Chinese including in Borneo are 100 per cent behind DAP and Mahathir. The Chinese, unlike Indians, Orang Asal and Malays — are a pragmatic people. That’s why they are the only community in Malaya — now FAKE MALAYSIA — and Borneo that continues to progress, going from strength to strength. Let’s not talk about Singapore. They are light years ahead.

Indians are delusional. Others call them stupid in politics. Stupidity is an inability to learn from experience. The only time Indians get something is when they carry the kavadi up Batu Caves, during Thaipusam, and a God or Goddess in Hinduism smiles on them. The Malays — formerly Hindus — are petrified by these Gods and Godesses, not Allah. Otherwise, the Malays could have finished off the Indians in Malaya — now FAKE MALAYSIA.

The highest ambition of Indian boys — Indira Gandhi’s ex-husband is an example — is to screw a Malay girl. That’s their way of screwing the Malays. Of course, the Malay girls are ever willing to open their legs provided you convert. 1Malaya — now FAKE MALAYSIA.

Orang Asal are high even when they are not drinking. Others call them stupid in politics. Again, stupidity is an inability to learn from experience. 1Borneo — anti Agenda Malaya.

The highest ambition of Malays is to go to syurga. So, they pray five times a day and go on pilgrimage while the Chinaman is busy bribing everybody, corrupting the system and busy making money. Malays don’t believe that syurga does not exist. That’s how deep they have been brainwashed into moronism.

For the Chinaman, money is God Almighty. So, they are into ancestor worship to make even more money.

The highest ambition of Malay boys is to eff a Chinese girl. That’s their way of screwing the Chinese. Of course, the Chinese girls are ever willing to open their legs provided they get a share of the loot. 1Malaya — now FAKE MALAYSIA.

re FAKE MALAYSIA, read the Definition of Federation in Article 160.

The Malaysia Agreement 1963 (MA63) — the REAL MALAYSIA — refers.

Don’t blame me for this write-up. Blame V.S. Naipaul. He taught me how to detect the flaw in human character. He had a gift for it. He believes it’s a curse.

Read here . . .


Author: fernzthegreat

Joe Fernandez holds a honours degree in management, majoring in economics, and has opted from academia in law to being a jurist (legal scholar). He works part time as English Cause Paper Editor and Journalist. He has been court reporter for 50 years. He's a longtime Borneo watcher. He teaches the English language privately as subject matter expert in public examination techniques.

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