Pakistan was an illegality, created by British colonialists for Muslims, by stealing land from India

Mahathir sits in his comfort zone and works on certainties for himself based on simplistic flawed notions.

India did not change the provisions on citizenship. They remain in the Constitution.

What Modi did recently was to pass a one time law which covers non-Muslims discriminated against and persecuted, converted, and driven out from Afghanistan, Pakistan and Bangladesh into India before 2015.

Those who meet the five year residence criteria can apply for citizenship.

Muslims are not included in the new law because they are not affected.

Muslims who want to be citizens of India have to apply under the existing provisions in the Constitution.

According to the Indian Home Ministry, 313, 000 non-Muslims from Afghanistan, Pakistan and Bangladesh, already living in India from 1951 (after partition) or 1971 (after Bangladesh) on longterm visas, will be fast tracked for citizenship under a new Bill.

Pakistan has already declared the Ahmadiya as non-Muslim.

The Ahmadiya in India are considered Muslim.

The National Register of Citizens (NRC) in Assam, a separate initiative under the Assam Accord by previous gov’ts, is recognised by the court.

There are plans to extend the NRC nationwide. This has sparked protests.

There’s a breakdown of law and order in Afghanistan, Pakistan and Bangladesh. There’s no rule of law.

Law has ceased to exist.

The law of the jungle prevails in the three countries.

When New Delhi departed from existing provisions in the Constitution for citizenship, it had to cite special circumstances to cross the hurdle in the supreme court.

Discrimination against non-Muslims in Afghanistan, Pakistan and Bangladesh, forcing them to flee to India, are the special circumstances cited for a one-time law.

Again, special circumstances, not religion, is the basis for citizenship under the one time law.

The new citizenship Bill may also be about removing dubious voters from the electoral rolls especially in northeast India which is largely Christian.

Those removed from the electoral rolls have the right of appeal to be reinstated in the electoral rolls.

Anyone can comment if there has been violation of human rights.

The supreme court of India will decide on the new citizenship Bill.

Pakistan . . .

Pakistan was an illegality, created by British colonialists for Muslims, by stealing land from India.

Pakistan was created for Muslims. So, their status in India may be uncertain.

Calling Pakistan an Islamic republic does not make it Islamic.

The rule of law is the basis of the Constitution in Pakistan.

Religion does not enter the picture.

There’s not even one Islamic gov’t in the world.

India has the fourth largest Muslim population in the world.

Read further . . .

The Negrito came to Malaya from Kerala, southwest India, 40, 000 years ago.

“We just cannot go along with this bill. I can’t believe we now have to prove our citizenship after living in India for so many years,” Tabeer Rizvi told AFP as the Mumbai crowd burst into a Hindi version of the US civil rights movement anthem: “We shall overcome”.

Watch . . .

Author: fernzthegreat

Joe Fernandez holds a honours degree in management, majoring in economics, and has opted from academia in law to being a jurist (legal scholar). He works part time as English Cause Paper Editor and Journalist. He has been court reporter for 50 years. He's a longtime Borneo watcher. He teaches the English language privately as subject matter expert in public examination techniques.